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Breeding Bird Survey, New Hope Bottomlands, 2024

Breeding Bird Survey, New Hope Bottomlands, 2024

One of the noteworthy, but troubling, finds of the 2021-2 NCBP biodiversity survey of the New Hope Bottomlands was a strong decline in the number of breeding bird species compared to what had been recorded in a survey conducted in the 1980s.

Related Taxa

Haw River Spring Bird Count

Haw River Spring Bird Count


Join NCBP member Brian Bockhahn for the spring bird count at Haw River State Park.

Description: Butterfly and bird counts focus on identification and counting of subject critters, but we of course enjoy observing everything. Bring binoculars, camera, water, lunch, hat, sunblock and be prepared to be outside hiking all day in various terrains. Bug spray or tick shield clothing is helpful as we may go off trail some.

For more information, contact Brian Bockhahn at


Mayo River Spring Bird Count

Mayo River Spring Bird Count


Join NCBP member Brian Bockhahn for the spring bird count at Mayo River State Park.

Description: Butterfly and bird counts focus on identification and counting of subject critters, but we of course enjoy observing everything. Bring binoculars, camera, water, lunch, hat, sunblock and be prepared to be outside hiking all day in various terrains. Bug spray or tick shield clothing is helpful as we may go off trail some.

For more information, contact Brian Bockhahn at


Pilot Mountain Spring Bird Count

Pilot Mountain Spring Bird Count


Join NCBP member Brian Bockhahn for the spring bird count at Pilot Mountain State Park.

Description: Butterfly and bird counts focus on identification and counting of subject critters, but we of course enjoy observing everything. Bring binoculars, camera, water, lunch, hat, sunblock and be prepared to be outside hiking all day in various terrains. Bug spray or tick shield clothing is helpful as we may go off trail some.


Kerr Lake Spring Bird Count

Kerr Lake Spring Bird Count


Join NCBP member Brian Bockhahn for the spring bird count at Kerr Lake State Recreation Area.

Description: Butterfly and bird counts focus on identification and counting of subject critters, but we of course enjoy observing everything. Bring binoculars, camera, water, lunch, hat, sunblock and be prepared to be outside hiking all day in various terrains. Bug spray or tick shield clothing is helpful as we may go off trail some.


Falls Lake Spring Bird Count

Falls Lake Spring Bird Count


Join NCBP member Brian Bockhahn for the spring bird count at Falls Lake State Recreation Area.

Description: Butterfly and bird counts focus on identification and counting of subject critters, but we of course enjoy observing everything. Bring binoculars, camera, water, lunch, hat, sunblock and be prepared to be outside hiking all day in various terrains. Bug spray or tick shield clothing is helpful as we may go off trail some. For more information, contact Brian Bockhahn at


Durham Spring Bird Count

Durham Spring Bird Count


Join NCBP member Brian Bockhahn for the Durham spring bird count.

Description: Butterfly and bird counts focus on identification and counting of subject critters, but we of course enjoy observing everything. Bring binoculars, camera, water, lunch, hat, sunblock and be prepared to be outside hiking all day in various terrains. Bug spray or tick shield clothing is helpful as we may go off trail some.

For more information, contact Brian Bockhahn at


Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve Program: Early Birds

Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve Program: Early Birds


Join NCBP member Tracy Feldman at Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve for an early-morning bird walk.

Description: Grab your binoculars and meet us at beautiful Horseshoe Farm for a bird-watching hike led by Wake Audubon guest naturalist, Erla Beegle. Spend your morning watching and learning about birds that prefer a meadow or edge habitat, on an approximately 1-mi walk. For beginning and advanced birders. Bring your binoculars, or borrow a pair of ours. Pre-registration is required.


Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve Program: Early Birds

Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve Program: Early Birds


Join NCBP member Tracy Feldman at Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve for an early-morning bird walk.

Description: Grab your binoculars and meet us at beautiful Horseshoe Farm for a bird-watching hike led by Wake Audubon guest naturalist, Erla Beegle. Spend your morning watching and learning about birds that prefer a meadow or edge habitat, on an approximately 1-mi walk. For beginning and advanced birders. Bring your binoculars, or borrow a pair of ours. Pre-registration is required.


Durant Nature Preserve Program: Early Birds

Durant Nature Preserve Program: Early Birds


Join NCBP member Tracy Feldman at Durant Nature Preserve in Raleigh for an early-morning bird walk.

Description: Grab your binoculars and meet us at beautiful Durant Nature Preserve for a bird-watching hike led by Wake Audubon guest naturalist, Erla Beegle. Spend your morning watching and learning about birds that prefer a meadow or edge habitat, on an approximately 1-mi walk. For beginning and advanced birders. Bring your binoculars, or borrow a pair of ours. Pre-registration is required.
