The NCBP annual meeting will be held March 1 at William B. Umstead State Park.
Annual Meeting
NCBP Newsletter
Read our special edition newsletter commemorating the life and work of Bo Sullivan in the Posts section of the website.
New Hope survey featured in the news
This WUNC article about the upcoming moth night at Hollow Rock Nature Preserve features an interview with David Bradley of the Durham County Open Space Program. Bradley shares details about the NCBP survey of the New Hope Floodplain, and the threats faced by insect populations.
Myriapods Site Launched
The NCBP is excited to announce the launch of the Myriapods of North Carolina Website!
3,000 Moths!
The Moths of North Carolina authors announce the addition of the 3,000th moth species to the state list.
White Pines Survey
The NCBP is beginning a year-long biodiversity survey at White Pines Nature Preserve in Chatham County in conjunction with the NC Natural Heritage Program's county-wide survey.
Freshwater Fishes Guide
A new Guide to North Carolina's Freshwater Fishes has been published by the University of North Carolina Press.
New Identification Guides
Identification guides for dragonflies, damselflies, frogs and toads have been added to the resource section.
Reptiles of NC Published
The NCBP is excited to announce the launch of the Reptiles of North Carolina website, documenting the 75 species of snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodilians found in our state.
Spider ID Guide
A quick ID guide for common spiders has been added to the Resources section.
New Hope Floodplain Report
This follow-up to the NCBP's New Hope Bottomlands survey was presented to the Durham Open Space Program, and focuses on some of the key species of conservation concern, including the Big Shellbark Hickory. Read the full report under the Resources > Publications tab.
Launch of new NCBP website
The North Carolina Biodiversity Project announces the launch of its redesigned website.
Grandfather Mountain Bioblitz
A 24-hour bioblitz event will be held at Grandfather Mountain State Park beginning at 8:00 AM on June 17. NCBP members and the public are encouraged to attend!
New Publication: Placement of Arthonia rubrocincta in Coniocarpon (lichenized Ascomycota: Arthoniaceae), with an extended range for the species in southeastern North America and the Caribbean
Read the full text of the paper by Gary Perlmutter et al. in the Publications section of the Resources tab.
2023 Annual Meeting
The 2023 annual meeting of the North Carolina Biodiversity Project will be held March 12 at William B. Umstead State Park.
New Hope Survey Report
The NCBP announces the completion of the report for the 2021-2022 survey of the New Hope Creek floodplain in Durham County. This multi-taxa survey assessed the current status of biodiversity in the study area, and the report recommends measures to preserve the integrity of this rich ecosystem.